About the Book

For all of us, whether we are a family of one or a family of ten, the day-to-day life events we face are the greatest threats to our happiness, success, and, most importantly, our ability to love one another, especially those we call our own. Our days are filled with the busyness of managing lives. Too often we lay our heads on our pillows at night wondering where the time went; another day spent on activities that don’t match the desires of our hearts. If you desire to become more intentional and purposeful about really living your life, it is time to schedule your first Notebook Meeting.

Get the book

The Notebook Meeting can help you change your life for the better. You can learn how to live the life of your dreams.

Change the world

I know that when you change your life for the better, you impact all our lives for the better. If we all work to change our lives for the better, we will impact our neighborhoods, schools, churches, workplaces, communities, and our world.

The world needs you

There are endless resources, books, and websites that will give you strategies or tips to organize parts of your life and teach you how to accomplish a goal, but usually these tips are “one shot tries.”

The Notebook Meeting is a lifestyle, a process without end that takes you from one mountaintop moment to the next.

Change your life now!