The Story We Write; The Race We Run

The Story We write; The Race We Run

For all the chapters of our life’s story, truth is we do not write them alone. I believe we co-author our story with the Lord.  He develops the outline; we choose the details. He shows us the way we should go, the path to take. In faith with trust we can choose to walk it with Him.

However, on many days, my delight is to run with Him.

Yep, I am a runner. For the last 12 years I’ve run on a path through the woods of a park near my house. I talk to the Lord a lot there. Running with Him gives me life energy and assurance that He is always with me.

The picture above came from a video I made on that running path.  About 20 minutes before the picture was taken, I had received the call. Our granddaughter was coming into this world. She was on her way.  My daughter and my son-in-law were driving to the hospital. Two weeks earlier the world had shut down for Covid. We could not join them. They were on their own.

After that call I needed to be reminded that He, our Dear Heavenly Father, was writing the outline of this day. So I ran, I cried, and I made a video of my prayer to the Lord. It was the only way I could think to share the moment with my daughter and her husband.

Then I kept running-in faith with trust.

On that day I ran with assurance that our Heavenly Father would be with my little girl and her man in that hospital. I ran with assurance that HE would be in the room and that HIS hands would bring our new girl into this world to thrive.

Tears flowed that day. We prayed. We trusted. We believed. We waited.

The next morning, after a long night and a rough delivery, our new girl, McKenna, was here. My daughter and her husband were now momma and daddy. They had run the race. The chapter for that day was finished, written in faith with trust.

My challenge to you is to always remember:

                                                                        Walk with Him

                                                                                          …and on some days, running works too.